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中国台湾清华大学潘犀灵教授、中国台湾交通大学赵如苹教授夫妇于2014年9月15日-16日访问我们研究组,并应OSA南京大学student chapter和光学工程与量子电子学系的邀请于唐仲英楼B501做了题目为Liquid Crystal THz Photonics: an Tutorial Overview的讲座。
Ci-Ling Pan (潘犀灵) is Vice President for Research, Tsing Hua Chair Professor, Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), Hsinchu, Taiwan. He also holds joint appointment at the Institute of Photonics Technologies of NTHU. Prof. Pan taught at National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, 1981-2009. He also held visiting professorship at Osaka University and Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2004 and 2008, respectively. In the past decade, the main foci of Prof. Pan’s research activities have been Ultrafast and THz Photonics. Recent research highlights include pioneering the field of liquid crystal THz photonics, femtosoeocnd-laser recrystallization and activation of silicon for TFT as well as novel THz generators and detectors. The latter were used in diverse applications such as diagnostics of technologically important materials for photovoltaics, assessing burn trauma and optical-network-compatible W-band (100 GHz or 0.1 THz) wireless communication Link at a data rate beyond 20 Gbit/s. Prof. Pan received numerous awards for his accomplishments. He is a Fellow of APS, IEEE, OSA and SPIE, an Academian of the Asia-Pacific Academy of Materials (APAM). Currently, he also serves as a Traveling Lecturer of OSA and member of Commission C17 (Quantum Electronics) of IUPAP.

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