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肯特州立大学液晶研究所的Prof. Liang-Chy Chien 访问本研究组并做报告

4月18日上午9:30,美国肯特州立大学液晶研究所的简良吉教授(Prof. Liang-Chy Chien)应邀访问南京大学,并做了题为:Polymer Stabilized Liquid Crystals for Display and Photonic and Applications的学术报告,并在本研究组胡伟老师的陪同下参观了实验室。

Professor L.C. Chien received his PhD in Polymer Science from U of Southern Mississippi in 1988 and joined the Liquid Crystal Institute of Kent State University in 1988 as a senior research fellow. He has been tenured at the Department of Chemical Physics as an associate (1995) and full professor (2000).  Dr. Chien is currently the director of the Chemical Physics Interdisciplinary Program at the Liquid Crystal Institute, Kent State University. 


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