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Faculties and staffs

Yanqing Lu




Lu Yanqing is the Vice president of Nanjing University, Professor of Department of Optical Engineering and Quantum Electronics, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Nanjing University. He is also a Distinguished Professor of Changjiang Scholars Program, a winner of the National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars, and the principal investigator at the Nanjing National Laboratory of Microstructures (under construction).

Prof. Lu received his bachelor’s in 1991 and doctorate in 1996 from Nanjing University’s Department of Physics and started to teach at the university after graduation. In 2000, he went to the United States and started to work on applied engineering technology.

 Prof. Lu was once an optical engineer & leader of Optical Design and Development Group of Chorum Technologies, a visiting research scientist at University of Central Florida’s Center for Research and Education in Optics and Engineering (CREOL), the principal engineer of Defiant Photonics, and the CTO of the China branch of eGTran (EZconn). These jobs helped him accumulate much experience in the development and manufacturing of optoelectronic products. At the end of 2006, he returned to Nanjing University.

       Prof. Lu also serves as the Dean of Chinese Physical Society’s Liquid Crystal Committee, the Executive Editor-in-Chief of “Chinese optics letters”(COL), a deputy editor of “Liquid crystal and display”. He is the Fellow of the Chinese Optical Society (COS), and the Fellow of the Optical Society (OSA), member of SPIE, SID, the senior member of IEEE Photonics Society (Since 2004) and Member of the Board of Directors of the International Liquid Crystal Society (ILCS) (Since 2017).

      He is also a member of the central committee of Jiusan Society, a member of All-China Youth Federation, a member of the National Committee of China Association for Science and Technology, and a member of the Jiangsu Provincial CPPCC. He has won many awards, including the title of “Jiangsu Top 10 Outstanding Young Technology Leaders,” the 2007 Jiangsu Youth May-Fourth Medal and the 2007 China Youth May-Fourth Medal.

       In research, he has taken charge of a number of national projects such as those of the National Key R&D Program of China, the National High-Tech R&D Program of China (the 863 Program), the National Key Basic Research Program (the 973 Program) and the National Natural Science Foundation. He focuses his research on dielectric superlattice, fiber optic sensing technology and liquid crystal optics. So far, he has published over 200 papers (which have been cited for more than 6,000 times) on such SCI journals as Science, PRL, NC, PRL, AM, SA,  etc. In 1999, his team project was honored with such titles as “Ten Major Scientific and Technological Achievements of China's Colleges and Universities” and “10 Top News Stories of the Basic Research in China.” He was also one of the winners of first prize of the 2006 National Natural Science Award with the team project “The Design and Fabrication of Dielectric Superlattice Materials and their Properties and Applications.”

Fei Xu




Wei Hu




Wei Hu earned his Ph.D. in 2009 from College of Chemistry, Jilin University. Then he joined the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Nanjing University and became a faculty. He is now an associate professor of materials with research interest focusing on liquid crystal (LC) materials and devices, especially on self-assembled LC superstructures, the application of LC photoalignment in optical field control, liquid crystal telecom and THz devices. Dr. Hu has published 87 journal papers, 5 book chapters, over 60 conference contributions and held 46 issued/pending patents. His initiative works in hierarchical LC superstructure architecture, optically addressed spatial light modulating and specific optical field control from Vis to THz have received intensive attention in the materials, physics and optics communities. He is now a member of the Society for Information Display (SID), Chinese Chemical Society (CCS), Chinese Physical Society (CPS), Jiangsu Optical Society and Jiangsu Mass entrepreneurship, innovation. Dr. Hu serves as an Editorial Board Member for Scientific Reports and an active reviewer for over 20 journals. He was selected by the Editorial Board of Liquid Crystals as one of the 30 distinguished early career researchers on liquid crystals in the world (2016), and wins the Cyrus Tang Young Scientist Award (2017).

Yu Wang




王瑜,副教授,国家“海外高层次青年人才计划”获得者。王瑜博士于2010年在同济大学获得学士学位,2015年在复旦大学获得博士学位。2015-2020年在美国Tufts大学从事博士后研究工作。202012月加入南京大学现代工程与应用科学学院。王瑜博士长期从事绿色软物质光子学领域的研究,开发了一系列基于蚕丝蛋白的微纳光子结构、动态图案化表面及智能光驱动材料。迄今已在Chem. Rev., Nat. Commun., PNAS, Adv. Mater.等国际高水平学术期刊上发表论文20余篇,其中第一(及共一)作者和通讯作者15篇,包括多篇封面文章,相关成果多次被Phys.org, Advanced Science News, Science Daily等国际媒体报道。目前,研究工作主要集中在研发新一代生物质基性能优异、功能集成、智能可调的光学材料及器件并探索其在信息安全、生物界面、智能显示、软体机器人等领域的应用潜能。

Peng Chen




Ruan Yaping




Shijun Ge




Wei Chen




Zhixiang Li





Lingling Ma




马玲玲,2014年以年级第一的成绩保送南大,攻读光学工程专业博士学位,2019年毕业后留任特任副研究员。主要从事液晶微纳多层级超结构的操控、拓扑缺陷、偏振多焦点透镜、四维可视化成像、可编程粒子操控、动态平面光学元器件等方面的研究。迄今,以第一/通讯作者身份发表论文9篇,包括Sci. Adv. Adv. Mater.ACS NanoAdv. Opt. Mater.等高质量刊物,其中两篇封面文章,研究成果Science Daily Phys.org、中国激光等数十家媒体竞相报道,并受到Photonics Spectra杂志的专题采访。此外,撰写综述、书籍章节多篇,申请发明专利3项。入选江苏省双创博士计划,主持国家自然科学基金、江苏省自然科学基金等项目,曾获得中国大学生自强之星 提名中国光学十大进展南青科研之星国家奖学金成思危名誉校长奖学金十佳大学生优秀研究生标兵优秀团干部优秀学生干部美国大学生数学建模竞赛二等奖等荣誉。

Nina Lu




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